In contrast to California Fan palm, the Mexican tree is taller and thinner. This palm is inexpensive and can be used for landscaping. The maintenance of this tree requires a lot of care. This is because the dead leaves need to be trimmed regularly.
These trees also bears fruit that is round and small, having small and round red shiny seeds. The size of the fruit is less than an inch. This tree can grow up to the height of 100 feet and can grow well in the cold weather. The special care is suggested for the Mexican Fan which starts when you initially sow the seeds and continues till it get fully matures.
You must sow the seed in well drained soil. For the plantation of this plant the soil used must be alkaline in nature. The soil can be checked properly by the pH testing kit. This tree is very slow in its growth and proper water supply is needed for its growth. The fertilization is also needed for the good growth of the tree. The Mexican Fan has the potential to absorb the nutrients from the fertilizers. If the supply of nitrogen is excessive in the fertilizer then it can increases the growth of the tree but the tree may lack in potassium.
This tree can be attacked by fungus and mites. It can be cured by the spray of fungicide. This Fan Palm should be exposed properly to the sunlight and the germination of the seed is done in couple of days if the seeds are fresh.
In case the seed of this plant is big, then you need to plant the seed in the single pot. This tree needs healthy nutrients during the growing period. There is one specimen of Mexican Fan palm tree known as hernaphrodites which can produce fruit.
This palm tree gives very nice and beautiful look to the landscapes. The temperature above 20F goes well with the growth of the palm tree, but when it goes under 23F can cause damage to the leaves. This palm tree does not require much maintenance but trimming of leaves should be done on yearly basis.
For all your palm tree needs, visit our website at: http://gregorypalmfarms.com or call us at: (714) 814-8525 to make an appointment to visit one of our farms.