5th-generation Gregory Palms farmer enjoys the shade of the Pindo palm (aka the Jelly palm, aka Butia palm).
The effects of many years of drought is quite obvious. All one has to do is drive through any suburban neighborhood in Southern California and they will see dying lawn after dying lawn. Apartment complexes and businesses plazas have put up signs asking their residents and patrons to excuse the appearance of their landscape while they make an effort to adhere to the water conservation policies.
So is there a light at the end of this dry and parched tunnel?
The answer is sort of. While we may not be able to perform rain dances to summon a downpour of clear, liquid gold, we can ease the suffering on our landscapes.
Replacing grass lawns and yards with drought-tolerant plants and trees not only helps efforts with conserving water but also makes that walk to your front doorstep a lot less depressing! Instead of using grass to cover your lawn, opt for rock or wood chips with succulents and other drought-friendly plants.
You can still have the luscious green yard without breaking the bank with water fines.
Stay hydrated with Jelly palm wine and jelly!
Interested in more plants and palms to decorate your drought-friendly lawn with? Check out our website!
Gregory Palm Farms
WE are MORE than JUST a Palm FARM!