Here’s a peek at what to expect when planting large palms!
Some of our Canaries weigh in excess of 6,000 pounds. It takes our Telehandler with its powerful strength to lift these crown jewel of palm trees from the truck to its new location.
We need a lot of space to maneuver these large specimens in place. To park and unload is normally no easy job. A plan has to be calculated to determine how many trees, cranes, supplies, man power that we will need. Sometimes, multiple truck loads are needed and even transfer trucks, to get the palm trees as close to the installation site as possible.
Safely secured, strapped and ready…
Lots of coarse sand to fill and pipes installed for proper air circulation ...
We recommend that the fronds remain tied up after transplant. This gives the palm tree extra support as it sends new roots for stability. It will take at least a month to insure a strong and straight crown once opened.
The Gregory Palm Farms