Showing posts with label (Brahea Armata). Show all posts
Showing posts with label (Brahea Armata). Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Big Mexican Blue fan palms available at The Gregory Palm Farms. Cold hardy, drought tolerant and perfect for low watering landscapes! Low maintenance palms available at the Gregory Palm Farms…714-814-8525.

(714) 814-8525


Looking for tough hardy palms?

These babies thrive in hot and dry conditions and tolerate very cold conditions as well. With our dry and drought threatened climate here in Southern California these palms will thrive on very little water once established. These palms are very low maintenance and super hardy! Come check out the blues at super awesome prices at the Gregory Palm farms and pick your palm for shipment or installation!

36 and 48 inch boxes 

Silver blue canopy of fronds!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What’s special about the Mexican Blue Fan palm? It is the Palm known for its silver blueish green color. It is sun loving and perfect for those really hot or colder climates! For a very hardy, slow growing fan palm that creates no mess this is a great Palm!714-814-8525.

The Mexican Blue Fan Palm also known as the Blue Hesper is native to Baja Mexico and uniquely suited to thrive with minimal water in the dry climate of Southern California. This palm makes a dramatic, vivid focal point with its color contrast against other green plants and grass. Make your landscape stand out with these hardy, cold, hot tolerant and slow growing palms. We have many to choose from in our fields at the farm and at wholesale prices to both homeowners and contractors. Come see us today we are here everyday and flexible by appointments too. See our website at Email us at

The Gregory Palm Farms 

Thanks for reading have a great week!


Monday, January 13, 2025

Brighten your landscape with palms! COLORFUL PALM TREES! Pick your palm at The Gregory Palm Farms..714-814-8525. OPEN NOW!


 If your Looking to add more color to your garden consider palms! How so? you might ask? Here’s a few that are more unique in color than others. All these palms will brighten and enhance your landscape with a beautiful tropical getaway vibe. These five palms stand out with the most color to me. First up is The Triangle palm. The trunk has a beautiful reddish Orange velvety color and produces beautiful flowers. Second, the king palm and its unique trunk of lime green at the crown. The King Palm also produces purple and white flowers seasonally. The Mexican Blue Palm has a very blue hue especially in contrast with the typical green of the other palms and landscape backdrop. The Jelly palm and the Date palm are also known for their bluish-green fronds. The edible date bearing palms are vibrant in color as their fruit grows and ripens. You can find so much color contrast in the trunk, fronds, flowers and fruit! So How about palms to bring color and vibrancy to your landscape? 

The Gregory palm farms!

32266 Rincon Ranch Rd. Pauma valley

Sunday, January 7, 2024

COME AND SEE our Beautiful Blue Hesper Palms in Pauma Valley Ca, at the Gregory Palm Farms 714-814-8525 or 760-975-4605 - OPEN DAILY, COME ON DOWN!


We have beautiful double trunk Mexican Blue Hesper Palms!
These are rare Specimens!

Stop in today at our Pauma Valley Farm in San Diego County,
32266 Rincon Ranch Rd. 
Or call us at 714-814-8525 or 760-975-4605